Recent Fire Damage Posts

Summer Fire Danger

6/6/2024 (Permalink)

Trees on fire at night Wildfires spread quickly and can devastate nearby communities.

The transition from cold and wet winter to warm, dryer weather contributes to higher levels of fire danger. As temperatures starts to rise in the late spring and early summer, lower levels of rainfall, bright sunshine and high wind increase the chance of dry brush creating a flame. Uncontrollable wildfires threaten enormous, forested areas leading to widespread incineration of woods and nearby structures. Campfires and grills can provide the single spark to mass destruction. Cigarettes thrown from a car can turn leaves and trees into a burning hotbox. Even small brush fires and smoking mulch can easily spread, setting nearby structures alight.

The public can help minimize the potential for summer fires by being aware of atmospheric conditions and taking notice of weather alerts. The US Forest Service posts daily fire danger levels at State and National Parks around the country to keep residents up to date. Campers especially need to be very mindful of their activity in the forest to prevent the ground around them from developing a flame. Power companies should inspect equipment near wooded areas on a regular basis and proactively replace ageing parts and systems. Home and business owners need to keep excessive leaves and brush away from structures to prevent potential flammability during prolonged dry weather.

Summer is the time for enjoying the outdoors, relaxing and having fun. It is to everyone’s benefit for each of us to do our best to prevent warm weather fires from harming the environment we live in.

Simple Fire Safety Tips!

5/17/2024 (Permalink)

close view of hand opening battery door on a ceiling smoke alarm Test smoke alarms and change batteries to keep them working properly.

Actively taking steps to prevent fires can easily save lives and property from severe destruction. Being mindful of potential hazards and following simple safety rules can drastically reduce the threat of fire.

Tips are as follows:

  • Take the time to inspect smoke alarms on a yearly basis. Replace batteries and test each alarm to make sure they are working properly. Replace alarms based on the manufacture’s recommended guidelines. Do not obstruct alarms and be sure to install carbon monoxide detectors on each floor and within 10 feet of a bedroom for added protection.
  • Keep young children and pets away from stoves, lighters and ovens. Unplug appliances when they are not in use. Pay special attention to space heaters; turn off and unplug heaters which are not attended.
  • Do not leave lit candles unattended. Keep them out of the reach of children and pets.
  • Clean dryer vents and attached ducts every few months. Inspect the HVAC system on a regular basis and keep the area around it clean and free of clutter.
  • Make sure all fireplaces, fire pits, grills, and torches are distinguished when they are not attended.
  • Keep excessive leaves and brush away from your home or business. Do not store gasoline or propane near anything with a flame. Be sure to have cars inspected regularly to reduce the risk of fire.
  • Inspect extension cords and recycle those which are frayed and worn.
  • Be sure to have functional fire extinguishers in the kitchen and within proximity to appliances with a flame.

Keeping these safety basics in mind, you are being proactive in keeping your home or business safe from fire!

Electrical Fire Emergency Recovery!

4/5/2024 (Permalink)

soot damaged stove in the center of a damaged kitchen Kitchen damaged by an electrical fire.

Don’t let an electrical fire inflict significant damage on your home and belongings! Our SERVPRO of Freehold team was called out to a local home which had a fire originating in the kitchen due to an electrical spark. Excessive soot and smoke overtook the majority of the one-level property. Upon arrival, our fire experts started an inventory of damaged contents and prepared a plan of action to clean and restore the home to a pre-fire condition. Carpet, drywall, insulation, appliances and cabinets needed to be removed, soot-stained walls were wiped, and remaining stud walls were thermal fogged to remove any lingering fire smells. The tile floor was heavily covered in a dense layer of soot and needed to be given an extensive cleaning. The homeowner was amazed with the resulting clean floor and could not believe it had been restored as if the fire never happened!

Ever so grateful for the quick response and professional cleaning from SERVPRO of Freehold, the homeowner let us know she would recommend us to all her friends and family! In the instance fire affects your home or business, call us at 732-431-4440: our SERVPRO expert fire team will have your recovery covered!

Fire and Water Restoration

2/14/2024 (Permalink)

section of clean and new cabinets and counters in a kitchen The restored finished kitchen.

Fire and water combined cause a seemingly catastrophic situation. Our SERPVRO of Freehold team was called following a kitchen fire to help this apartment building get their tenants back in their units. Our professional cleaning staff worked their magic in 24 hours to extract and dry the water damage before our construction department replaced the sheetrock, kitchen cabinets, painted the walls and finished the floors all within 2 weeks. The property manager was thrilled with the results and the tenants were able to move back into their units quickly. Small kitchen fires can cause an incredible amount of damage in a short span of time in an apartment building when the sprinkler systems go off. There were 5 additional units in the building, including the main hallway which were flooded following this unit’s fire loss. Our SERVPRO team has the expertise and knowledge to fully assist an apartment complex which has a large -scale loss due to fire.

Being Prompt After A Fire Is The Key to Safety

1/17/2024 (Permalink)

A fire in your home or work space can get out of hand if it’s not attended to quickly.

Commercial fire damage can come in the form of lingering smoke, soot damage, and smoke damage. It’s important to take serious action in the event that a fire spreads from the home to the business. The number one thing to do is respond as fast as possible. Though you may be in complete shock after viewing the damage, it is important to shift your focus towards finding a solution before it becomes an even bigger problem. The steps to bringing your space back to life after the fire needs to happen quickly. As a home or business owner, it is critical to follow these steps in the event of a fire.

Speedy Response

Acting quick with the help of a restoration company can be crucial in the event of a fire. The damage to the space can be less severe if a board is up. Being prompt can help the owner stay in business. It truly shows the character of a restoration business that is helping the owner get back on their feet by completing everything in a quick manner. They understand how important it is to get it running again, no matter what kind of damages occurred. The customers will also realize this and be very appreciative of it. An owner that works closely with a restoration company that specializes in responding to damage after a fire is one that puts their employees and customers before anything else. This shows they can truly overcome any obstacle that might arise in their business.

Damage Done

A fire doesn’t have to be huge to make an impact; any size fire can be harmful. It’s very easy for a fire to spread, which can cause smoke and soot damage. Smoke smell can travel from one area to another in just a few seconds. This is why it is so important for the owner to contact fire restoration and cleanup as soon as they realize the problem. They will learn that many other issues arise from commercial fires. The smoke smell is so strong that if it gets into any kind of inventory, it will make it nearly impossible to sell again. Not only will this ruin the inventory, it will also turn customers away from the strong smell. Fire damage restoration and cleanup should begin with a board up then analyze the other parts of the property. Contracts with restoration companies are crucial when it comes to help with problems such as smoke smell, fire cleanup and a board up.

Taking Initiative

The owner of a company exhibits their leadership qualities by knowing what to do in the situation of a fire. A fast response to a big problem can show the leadership qualities to the rest of the employees and motivate them follow in the same footsteps. “Leaders aren’t self-made; they are driven” as stated in by Arnold Schwarzenegger. A fire is the time to step up and take that initiative as a boss to be the leader of your business. Display what should be expected from everyone in your business. Having the damages cleaned up immediately by a restoration company will avoid the risk of any long-term damage to your employees, property and surroundings.

Fire Spreads Quickly

12/13/2023 (Permalink)

section of siding of a house singed and damaged. Damage to the house caused by the fire.

Fire has the unique ability to spread rapidly and cause an enormous amount of damage. In light of recent wildfires in the west, it is important to remember many structures can be restored with proper remediation efforts. The restoration team at SERVPRO of Freehold is always ready to respond to home or business owners who have suffered a loss due to fire.

This damage resulted after a lawn mower caught on fire right outside the house. The owners were not at home at the time and the damage was extensive as the fire spread from the machine to the house very quickly. Our SERVPRO team was able to assess the site quickly and began remediation efforts immediately. Inside, the team removed sheetrock, removed affected contents, and performed smoke and soot remediation. HEPA vacuuming, deep cleaning of remaining materials and air purification were also performed after the demolition. Water from the fire department was removed via extraction and our effective drying equipment. After a building affected by fire is thoroughly cleaned, it is ready for our building services crew to repair the structure.